Speaking Engagement

Aurora Austriaco Speaker at the 2021 NAAAP National Leadership Academy

On January 29, 2021 VAB Shareholder Aurora Austriaco was honored to serve as the Day 1 National Board Chat speaker during the 2021 National Association of Asian American Professionals (“NAAAP”) National Leadership Academy.

About the NAAAP

At NAAAP, our leaders are built through professional networking and educational events, trainings, community service programs, and celebrations of Asian American excellence. For 38 years we have inspired, developed, and connected thousands of leaders across 30 chapters internationally with a reach of more than 25,000+ professionals.

About the National Leadership Academy

Our National Leadership Academy is an advanced skills-building boot camp for new and returning NAAAP national and chapter leaders. The interactive program provides workshops designed to reinvigorate, educate, and guide, with opportunities to network and collaborate with current and upcoming leaders as well as National Board members.

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Susan Valentine Panelist on Financial Poise Webinar Entitled, "Persuasive Brief Writing 2021"

VAB shareholder Susan Valentine was be one of the five panelists who presented on the subject of persuasive brief writing on Thursday at 1:00 PM CST.

Other panelists included Robert Michaels (Environmental Law & Policy Center); Stephen Brodsky (Kaufman Dolowich Voluck LLP); and Gerald Meyer (MoloLamken LLP).

The Financial Poise Webinar was described as:

“Unclear and unpersuasive legal writing often comes from undeveloped analysis and undisciplined organization. This webinar explores best practices for structuring and organizing briefs, including how to most effectively frame and sequence arguments, use authority, and find a winning theme. It also takes a fresh look at an old law school war horse: I(ssue) R(ule) (A)nalysis C(onclusion) – one of the few rules in life from which there’s virtually never cause to deviate.”

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Aurora Austriaco Speaker on NCBP 21st Century Lawyer Virtual webinar panel, "A Conversation with Women Bar Leaders"

Valentine Austriaco & Bueschel, P.C. Shareholder Aurora Austriaco will be speaking on the NCBP 21st Century Lawyer Virtual webinar panel, "A Conversation with Women Bar Leaders." Fellow bar leaders and panelists include: Elia Diaz-Yaeger, CK HOFFLER, Karen Morris, Thomasina Real Bird, Patricia Lee Refo, Bonnie Lee Wolf, and moderator Johanna Schiavoni. Join them on December 3rd from noon to 1:30 p.m. Central for a 90 minute conversation where women leaders of seven bar associations will share their personal journeys to leadership, discuss strategies for developing a pipeline of diverse leaders coming up behind them, and provide their perspective on the biggest challenge or opportunity coming in the next six months along with their ideas to meet those challenges and opportunities. We also will provide an opportunity for our bar leader audience to ask questions of these amazing leaders. To register and for other information visit: https://lnkd.in/dTCjCQV

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Sandy Morris Co-Hosts DRI Cares Event During Employment & Labor Law Virtual Seminar

VAB attorney, Sandy Morris co-hosted the DRI Cares networking event at this year’s DRI Employment & Labor Law Virtual Seminar. During this event, Sandy and co-host, Fred Mitchell, VP of Development at UNCF, spoke about how the nation’s largest minority education organization fulfills its mission to build a robust and nationally-recognized pipeline of under-represented students and ensure that its network of member institutions is a respected model of best practice in moving students to and through college. Seminar attendees raised more than $2,700 to advance UNCF's important mission.

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Lydia Bueschel co-hosts the Law Firm Cross-Marketing Committee session during #NAMWOLFWeek

VAB shareholder Lydia Bueschel co-hosted the Law Firm Cross-Marketing Committee session during this year’s Virtual Annual Meeting. During the session, members got interact directly with other law firm members, got a quick review of the best practices for cross-marketing at National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) and played a few, fun musical rounds of Legal Shazaam in order to win PRIZES!

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Lydia Buschel Co-Planner of Innovative. On behalf of the NAMWOLF Cross-Marketing Committee Zoom Roundtable

VAB shareholder Lydia Bueschel co-planned an innovative #NAMWOLF solution to #StayingConnected. On behalf of the NAMWOLF Cross-Marketing Committee, Lydia and Amanda Alexander Taylor assisted Jane Kalata of the National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) in developing a Zoom-based roundtable discussion series, that is free and open to all members. The discussions tackle topics like working from home and what the new marketing norms are. The pilot series took place today and yesterday, with more in the works. #vabulous

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Aurora Austriaco Co-Host of Two Asian American Executive Network (AAEN) Webinars

#VAB Shareholder, Aurora Austriaco is honored to co-host the 3rd and 4th webinars of the Asian American Executive Network (AAEN) #COVID-19 APA Business Advocacy Webinar series. The 4th of this series taking place on May 20th. These free webinars are open to all. The #AAEN is a volunteer-based network of Asian American Executives and Advocates who come together to support each other and the #APA communities.

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Aurora Austriaco, Panelist, “What is Success? Filipinas Who Found It?”

Philippine Chamber of Commerce and the Philippine Consulate of Chicago


VAB shareholder, Aurora Austriaco participated as a panelist on the program “What is Success? Filipinas Who Found It?” hosted by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and the Philippine Consulate of Chicago on August 23, 2018.  Other panelists included author Terry Samala de Guzman, Johanna Mirpiru-National Cooking Personality and owner of Mommacuisine, Leslie Mendoza Temple- Medical Director of the Northshore University Health System’s Integrative Medicine Program and  Clarita Santos-Director of Community Health Initiatives at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois.
