We are Passionate about giving back

VAB’s team is passionate about giving back to the community, both through non-profit involvement and through pro bono work. Below we have highlighted some of those efforts. Additional details and links can be found further down the page.


Susan Valentine

Susan is a fierce advocate for individuals struggling with homelessness and serves on the Board of Directors for BEDS Care Plus.

She has dedicated substantial time throughout her career to pro bono matters, including fair housing cases and death penalty litigation.

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Lydia Bueschel

Lydia is a Board Member and provides guidance from a management perspective to the Quality Jobs Council of Women Employed.


Aurora Austriaco

Aurora, in addition to being on the board of multiple non-profits and school boards, was the recipient of the 2020 recipient of the “Excellence in Law & Public Service” award.

She served as the Commissioner for the Cook County Human Rights Commission for 12 years.

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Sandy Morris

Sandy’ has an active pro bono practice and once served on the Board of Illinois Legal Aid Online.

She spent six years on the Board of Chicago Volunteer Legal Services.and currently volunteers at a local food pantry.

Causes we support

Recent Community Events & Awards

Our Pro Bono Work

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